Angela Savko 5th January 2012

The Kelly I know: He once said to me,"I have nothing to offer you". Little did he know, he offered me everything and more,so much more! If there was a way to measure a man, his love more vast than the ocean, his heart more huge than all the mountains combined in one, his spirit unbreakable, no scale nor ruler could be conceived to even calculate this wonderful man. You could knock on my door any time day or night to ask for Help and he would be there. Kelly always had to hold he babies(lol, we would race to see who would get to hold the baby first, he usually won).For the yound people Kelly, went out of his way to mentour them( be a father if needed)good or bad they new where he stood and made sure it was going to be ok. You never left without a hug and i love you from kelly. Kelly loved God, loved people, he always wanted to see the good in everything, because everything is god given he would say. God blessed us with Kelly. I am grateful i treasured him every day. I could go on and on, but i will leave some for another day.